Adventure Travel

Perhaps it is Time to Embark On Some Adventure Travel Like Backpacking

Backpacking is one of the great outdoor adventures that most people can enjoy comfortably and safely across North America. Whether you are just out for an afternoon stroll or you are a serious backpacker there are trails, equipment and services available for you in most towns and cities in Canada and the United States.

The most significant thing for backpackers to consider is that they should be well prepared for the type of backpacking they plan to do and they should also plan for any potential emergencies that could potentially arise. For example you would not consider going for an afternoon walk in the deserts of California without bringing water along with you. Nor should you leave on a weeks backpacking excursion without adequate food and preparation. On this page we will try to cover some of the major areas you may want to think about if you plan a backpacking afternoon walk or will be gone for a week. Some will apply, others will not so select the areas that make sense for you.

Water, food and snacks are a must for every backpacker whether it is a long or short hike. Always bring more than you think you will need. You will be glad to have it if you are delayed for some reason. Backpackers that are hiking in the outdoors in less well travelled areas or if you plan to leave the beaten path should always have maps available and a compass to use to keep you oriented in the right direction. A word of caution, if you have any metal on you for whatever reason, remove it when you look at your compass. Hunters have been known to go around in circles for hours following their compass, not realizing that the gun they were carrying was throwing their compass off.

A major rule for all backpacking excursions is always tell someone were you are going! Especially if you plan to go off alone! Tell them were you are going, how long you expect to be away and if you are late what to do. If you return, make sure you tell the person as well, since you do not want the search parties out looking for you while you are in the bar having a refreshing drink.

There are many sites that provide backpacking equipment for all kinds of situations. Camping gear, cooking equipment, sleeping gear and clothing suitable for backpacking in just about every situation you can find yourself in. Let the experts assist you and heed their advice if they recommend that you need some gear to take with you.

The last item we want to cover in this article and there are lots more areas. We have just hit a few of the hi- lights. Always have a small survival kit with you. At the minimum it should include dry matches so you can build a fire, a light blanket in case you need to spend the night unplanned outdoors, a number of snacks that will get you through one or two days, should you get lost and water, a compass, a knife which can be used for all sorts of things and some rope.

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