Alarm System

Can You Afford Not to Have an Alarm System?

Alarm systems have come a long way in just a few years. New technology has made alarm systems more affordable, and more widespread. Statistics show that homes with alarm systems do a better job of deterring thieves. Since over 60 percent of residential break-ins occur during daylight, an alarm system is often the perfect solution to a growing problem.

Whether you're considering purchasing an alarm system for your home, business, car, or other property, one of your first concerns is probably going to be money. Rest assured that alarm systems have actually dropped in price in recent years. Protecting your assets shouldn't, and doesn't have to cost a fortune.

Alarm systems decrease burglaries. Homes that don't have alarm systems are 2.2 times to 3.1 times more likely to be burglarized, depending on the value of the home. Businesses lacking alarm systems are 4.5 times more likely to be burglarized. Monetary loss due to burglary is about $400 less in residences with alarm systems.*

Here are some facts that you probably didn't know about theft. Every 15 seconds a burglar enters a home that is not protected by alarm systems. Burglary costs Americans more than three billion dollars every year. The average loss due to each burglary is about $1,500. And did you know that installing alarm systems may actually save you money with many insurance companies?

Research your choice of alarm systems carefully. Don't be fooled into buying the cheapest or the flashiest alarm system out there. Make sure your alarm systems specialist is an authorized installer. Knowing the statistics can help you make decisions, but beware of dealers who use them as scare tactics. Once you've done a little homework on alarm systems you'll see that the value often far outweighs the cost.

*Source: Simon Hakim.
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