Bathroom Remodeling

The Smallest Room Can Be the Biggest Project

Bathroom remodeling will add a lot of value to your house. Bathrooms are the smallest rooms in any house, yet they alone create a lasting impression on visitors. The two most important components when bathroom remodeling are sinks and bathtubs.

Some would argue that sinks are the first things people notice in a remodeled bathroom. Many years ago, there was only one option: a white, round sink. In current times, we have several different options to choose from. We can choose from pedestal sinks to large basins. We can have marble sinks. We can have steel sinks. We can have vanity and make up mirrors. The possibilities are endless. The most important thing to remember is to make the sink fit the room. Don't pick a sink that is too large in a small bathroom. Likewise, if you have a large bathroom, make your sink the focal point. They can be show stoppers.

Bathtubs are another important feature when bathroom remodeling. Bathtubs are only found in one room of the house. It is important that these bathtubs are not only beautiful, but useful as well. Like sinks, there are several different options to choose from when choosing a tub. Three of the most common bathtubs are plastic, enameled steel, and cast iron. Plastic tubs are very light and then insulate water quite well. One draw back is that harsh cleaners will damage the surface. Enameled steel tubs are cheaper then plastic tubs. However, they conduct heat well, which means water will cool off quickly. Cast iron tubs are the heaviest tubs available. They do not chip easily, and they insulate well. Depending on the need for your family, each kind of bathtub has benefits and drawbacks.

Plumbing can be a complicated issue when bathroom remodeling. If you decide you would like to switch the location of the toilet and the sink around, this may prove to be a difficult task. First of all, When placing a sink on the old toilet location, you must run hot water to that location. The second problem is much more expensive, changing the location of the toilet. Wastewater from the toilet needs to leave the bathroom to travel to a septic tank or sewer. Finding the drain to this location can prove to be difficult. If the bathroom lays on a slab foundation, the only option is to cut into the concrete to install a new drain. If the house has a raised foundation the new pipes can run beneath the floor joists. When bathroom remodeling, it is better to leave the sink and the toilet in place if at all possible.

Bathroom remodeling is a complicated process even though it is the smallest room in the house. Choosing the correct bathtub and sink for your bathroom remodeling project can save you another remodeling effort in the future.

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