California Vacations

Plan a Not So Ordinary Trip Out West

California vacations offer an eclectic mix of nature, city and adventure. California vacations are not limited to one activity or region. In fact, because the state is so large, you will likely not even be able to get to know a significant portion of it in only one trip. Therefore, many families enjoy planning multiple California vacations, each to a different popular destination. Here are some tips to help you plan your own California vacations, however many there may be!

Choose an Main Destination

California is a huge state. Therefore, it is recommended that you choose a main destination or two prior to taking off. Your main destination may be a city, such as Hollywood or San Francisco. Or your main California vacations destination could be an experience, such as a trip to Disney land or to see the Redwood trees. Many people also enjoy tasting their California vacations away in Napa Valley, home to some of America's best vineyards. Be sure to plan a destination city or event as a starting point.

Pick a Type of Trip

Whether you have chosen a California vacations destination or not, it is important for you to decide what you are looking for from your vacation. California offers so much in the way of diversity. In one town, you can experience the opera. In another, you can ride roller coasters. Still in another you can check out some of America's most historical settings. Once you know in general what you are looking for from your vacation, you will be able to plan better.

Find Accommodations

California vacations are so diverse that choosing accommodation can be difficult. You may want to camp underneath a Redwood tree. Perhaps you will want to rent a Malibu beach house. Or may you will want to spend some time road tripping with an RV. No matter what your vacation plans or destination, when it comes to vacationing in California, the rules for accommodations are anything but ordinary.

California vacations are exciting to plan and fun to participate on. When you begin your preparations for your California vacations, make sure that you allow for plenty of room for flexibility. After all, you never know when you will spot a Hollywood star that invites you over for drinks. Be sure that you understand the differences in the regions; some parts of California are very outdoorsy while others are cosmopolitan. Most of all, plan to take multiple California vacations in order to get a real feel for all of California.

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