Camcorder Reviews

Where to Find Camcorder Reviews

With video editing and capturing becoming more widely available than ever before there is a big boom in the camcorder market. New technologies like the HD technology and Blu-ray are sure to bring even better cams along and push down the prices of the already available ones. Great reviewer websites have been built and are expanding fast, so let's look a some of the available options: is a defining review site with some added content in the form of articles. It has quite good search options, but probably not the best for amateurs. The site also has an extensive forum where you can get the lowdown on public opinion, which may be useful now and then. Reviews or some of the most detailed and professional ones I have ever seen, and no just on camcorder review sites. Very good photos are available of the camcorder reviewed although the marketing strategy of the site can be somewhat distracting as every 2-3 paragraphs there is a large add showing you prices and places to get them. This is handy on a site, but after the 7th instance it gets a bit bothersome.


Cnet reviews just about everything you can think of and while this is definitely positive it can mean that the reviews loose detail. The great feature is the good browsing option as this suits layman's the best. Choose between price range, manufacturer and some advanced options. The reviews themselves are nowhere near as detailed as on but you wont get bogged down by ads so much and you do get a short video review which is pretty cool. You can also compare products very easily which is great when you need to choose between products. is somewhere between Cnet and Camcorderinfo. Reviews are close to Cnet's depth but sadly without any multimedia thrown in. Ads are unobtrusive to the side and specs are fully detailed on the page. What makes this site different is that it has a wide content, it doesn't just review cams, it has a variety of material that relates to the field like switching to HD and such. The site is actually an extension of a magazine of the same name so be prepared to get offers here and there but otherwise the sites fine, although I personally liked Cnet's and Camcorderinfo's design much better. is another all-round site featuring much more than reviews. For this reason their review database is narrower than the dedicated sites but it's still pretty extensive. I personally liked this site very much because it seems to focus on beginners more, while also catering for some advanced users. There is an infobase section which is a high quality explanation of formats, types and so on and you can learn a lot from it if you are new to this part of electronics. Reviews are medium depth with the same annoying ad structure that plagues, but you'll learn to see through them in time.

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