Cell Phone Reviews

Where to Find the Best Cell Phone Reviews Reviews

While many people only use mobiles for calling people many others use them as full multimedia devices. Both parties need to know what the phone can do, how well it does in terms of its ergonomical build, how well it has been thought out, what it will give  the user and how tough and durable it is. For this purpose many phone reviews can be found online, almost all written by people who have actually tried the phone so they're speaking of their personal experience. Despite this, always look to many different reviews so that you may get the fullest picture of the phone in question.


Reviews usually contain a lot of detailed information. A well structured one should have subheadings for different parts and show the facts, the positive sides of them and the negative and point out any other info you should be in possession of. Design is usually a large point although this can be quite well viewed with the wonder of images so just look at the pics. All other features are important so make sure to thoroughly read the text. Basic features, screen, camera, audio, video, messaging, internet, storage, connectivity and so on are things that should be dealt with.

The best reviews will also show you where to get some good deals and to whom they would recommend the phone. This is important as if you know you are an old-school phone user you probably wont mind if a cell is graded average because the video quality isn't good. On the other hand you won't mind if personal info management is a bid odd if you use the phone for gaming and the connecting to the net.

Places of interest

href="http://www.mobiledia.com/">Mobiledia.com was a place I really liked as it seemed like they had very unbiased reviews and catered for the needs of everyone. They also show a lot of gizmos and gadgets that relate to mobiles so you will be entertained too. They provide much more than reviews, they have the latest news, downloads for mobiles and forums, so get ready to browse.

Phonescoop.com is also a great page to look for reviews. It has a wide database of phones and reviews but he difference here is that there are many user reviews for one phone, not a central review from the editors. I like these sites less as many times the reviews are more biased although they bring more insightful thoughts sometimes. This site has very good navigation with shopping and forums just a click away.

About.com is a site to get some information snippets from. It is nowhere near as well built as the dedicated sites but it does have a wealth of info nevertheless so if you're just into browsing take a look. The positive thing is that about.com is a very spread out site so cross references are available and they do have some interesting articles on various mobile subjects from time to time.

Doing some blog searches will also give you many hits as lots of people review their own phone on their blog. The majority of these reviews are level-headed but don't use these as a guidline, just a source of extra information that can underpin your already obtained info. Blog reviews won't be as detailed and thought out as on big sites but they may point out exactly those features you need.

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