Cheap Domains

What You Need to Know About Cheap Domains

Are you looking for a cheap domain name and cheap domain hosting? Be careful, cheap domains don't often come with all the bells and whistles. For domain hosting, low dollar price usually comes at a price of the non-dollar variety, such as connection speed, customer service, or space. So it's often the case that finding the cheapest price doesn't mean you've got the best domain service provider. But with a little knowledge about your website's gotta-haves, nice-to-haves and who-cares-if-I-haves, you can be confident you've gotten a good deal for a good deal on cheap domains.

How much space do you need? Most businesses find that 10MB of disk space is fine for their website. This is an industry standard. Typically, if your site doesn't have a lot of graphics or multimedia files, you don't need more than that. Increasing your space upwards of 100MB or more means increasing your price, so if you only need a little space, you'll pay less. Try to find a provider where email and other files don't count against the space limit, and you'll be able to keep your space requirements down even more. And if you need more space later, you can always buy it!

How much site traffic do you anticipate? If you're a startup and aren't expecting thousands of hits a day, there are some providers that will offer you lower rates based on lower traffic, and set a ceiling number of hits your site can get for a certain rate. Beware though, if your site becomes incredibly popular overnight, your low-rate deal might go through the roof. It'd be kind of like going over on your maximum cell phone minutes... costs can jump up exponentially. Additionally, if you don't want customized reports on your site's visitor traffic (like when traffic is highest, which pages visitors go to and how long they stay there, for example) you can also save money.

How much help will you need? You can get a cheaper rate on your domain if you aren't worried about immediately contacting your domain host if something goes wrong. You'll pay more for 24/7 customer service.

There are other things you can negotiate, and the domain hosting provider market is very cost-competitive, so be sure to comparison shop. With knowledge in hand, you should be able to get a fair deal on a cheap domain name and hosting needs, leaving you with the confidence (the ability, though, is in your hands alone!) to whistle while you work.

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