CRT Monitors

What are CRT Monitors

The Science of CRT Monitors

CRT stands for cathode ray tube, a technology that has been around for decades. In fact, it was the cathode ray tube that allowed televisions to come into existence and these same tubes are commonly used in everything from computer screens to televisions still today. These unique systems work by having fully contained tubes located inside the screen of the specific device. Inside these tubes, electron beams (beams of negatively charged atoms) dart back and forth across the empty space. Each time an electron passes a specific area, a certain dot will ignite, allowing the glass to become illuminated. By having several cathode ray tubes installed in one single screen, you can illuminate the entire screen and reveal an image.

CRT Monitors Versus LCD Monitors

Lately, the cathode ray tube technology that was behind CRT monitors has given way to a new type of technology that promises clearer images in less space. This technology is known as LCD technology, or liquid crystal display. Since LCD monitors have a flat screen, the distortion common with CRT monitors is eliminated. Furthermore, since no cathode ray tubes are needed to illuminate the picture and the LCD can occupy much less space, these newer monitors are much smaller and thinner than their CRT counterparts. However, the down side to purchasing a LCD monitor over a CRT monitor is their price tag. As typical with the latest technology for anything, the LCD monitor is much more expensive than the comparable size of CRT monitor.

CRT Monitors are Built to Last

When you make the purchase of a CRT monitor, consider that you are purchasing a piece of electronic equipment that is built to last. It is certainly not uncommon to have computer monitors using cathode ray tubes that have been running each and every day for a number of years. For this reason, if you are looking for a budget friendly monitor that will certainly hold up over the years, then the cathode ray tube monitor is probably the best option for you. Furthermore, the CRT monitor is typically a piece of computer equipment that is available at a higher quality than a liquid crystal display monitor.

A cathode ray tube monitor is capable of displaying a limitless number of colors. Liquid crystal displays on the other hand are only capable of displaying hundreds of thousands, which is adequate enough for most users. However, if you are using a computer for a purpose where viewing unlimited colors is critical, then you should turn to the CRT monitor instead of the newer LCD monitor.

The viewing area associated with a CRT monitor tends to be larger than the viewing area associated with a liquid crystal display monitor of comparable size. Since the CRT screen can be viewed from a larger angle, include the side to side views, you can use them in larger spaces where the enhanced viewing area is important. With LCD monitors, you are limited to a specific angle which is usually directly in front of the monitor.

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