Diet and Exercise

Learn How to Gain Through Losing with Diet and Exercise

Diet and Exercise are two effective ways to take off unwanted weight. It is possible to lose weight by using only one of these methods at a time; however, long term dieting can be harmful to the health, Calorie-counting, as part of dieting, is the first step many people take in losing weight, but it will not necessarily help reduce weight by itself. Calories literally need to be burned - through exercise. Exercise is the most reliable, proven method to lose weight and keep if off in the long term. Unfortunately, those who rely on dieting alone often gain the unwanted back and may even put on more pounds then were originally there.

The body's metabolism determines how fast calories are burned when at rest. Everybody has a metabolism that works in sync with their own chemical make-up and body composition. Because no two bodies are the same, different people can eat the foods and have different body compositions. Some people gain weight easily while others lose weight more easily. Exercise will help to speed up the body's at-rest metabolism, thus causing the body to burn more calories even when no exerting work is being done.

Extra weight on the body has been linked to a number of health problems, some of them fatal - such as heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure, gallstones and back pain.


Before beginning any exercise regimen, consult a physician. People who have preexisting health conditions should always start out slowly when exercising and built up their stamina and overall endurance to avoid injury and soreness. At least 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day is recommended by most physicians. Although it is best to have a consistent 30 minute block of time devoted to exercise, some lifestyles dictate that exercise is broken down into smaller time increments, such as 10 minutes at a time. It is important to have exercise in any form, however and even in small increments, benefits will be seen over time.

Strength training is an important part of an exercise regimen and will help to build muscles. This should be done on an average of two times a week. Choosing exercises that are fun for the individual will help bring consistence. Sometimes having an exercise partner will also help an unmotivated individual.

The most important part of exercise is to remember to make it a lifestyle. Take a walk. Work in the garden. Play with the kids. Having an overall active lifestyle will help keep their weight off and will pass on the new, healthy perspective to the next generation.

Dieting - Four Tips

While dieting is never a good idea unless under the supervision of a physician, it is possible to lose weight and keep it off; however exercise is the fastest, most consistent and most effective way to do so.

1.Eat many foods - not just those foods that you think will help you lose weight. Variety will keep eating fun and will help you avoid burn-out..

2. Choose lower fat dairy products and leaner meat. Avoid using extra fats, such as butter and oil. Choose more peas, beans, and lentils

3. Avoid eating snack foods in excess, such as cookies, donuts, pies, cakes, potato chips, etc. They are high in salt, sugar, fat, and calories, and low in nutritional value.

4.Eat in moderation. If you are not hungry, don't eat.

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