Dog Breeders

Who are Dog Breeders and What Do they Really Do?

Dog Breeders are exactly that, breeders of dogs. Most professional dog breeders specialize in only one breed of dog and breed the best quality animal possible. Sometimes though, a dog breeder may have two different breeds. This happens for the reason that there is always an available breed from that breeder.  It is only natural that the same dog is not always breeding, so it makes sense to have more than one breed for continuous business.

For some breeders in is a part time hobby business but for others it is their livelihood. Usually they have several bitches and use a dog from another breeder. In some cases they pay for this and at other times the owner of the male dog takes the pick of the litter as payment.

All purebred breeds are recognized by the American Kennel Club, also called the AKC, and the Canadian Kennel Club, also called the CKC, and the breeder registers the dogs with them and new owners transfer the registration. This ensures the quality of the breed on an ongoing basis. Pedigree Papers show the lineage of the puppies. Breeder are responsible for keeping all the paperwork up to date as well as organizing the initial vaccinations of the puppies and weaning them from their mother onto solid food before they are sold. A reputable breeder will also be fussy as to who buys one of their puppies and try to make sure it is going to a good home and not end up on the street or at an animal shelter once it passes from cute puppy to adult dog.

Breeders can advise the new owner on the health of the pup, provide a vaccination certificate and advise when next needles are due, how to feed the puppy and give some tips on toilet training. They can provide pedigree papers and advise on how to change ownership over. These papers then will remain with the owner of the dog in the event that he or she wishes to breed that dog or enter it in various shows. The breeder can also advise on dog clubs and obedience training.

Many breeders also show their dogs at various shows in their area and indeed sometimes all around the country. There are different levels including Puppy, Best in Breed, Best in Class and Best in Show. There are also Obedience Trails where dogs are put though a series of tests for obedience etc. Breeders who show their dogs become expert handlers and it is not uncommon to see a novice employ a professional handler to “show” the dog. A lot of grooming goes into preparing a dog for a show especially with the longer haired breeds. Their coat must be immaculate; nails clipped and be free of any stains around the eyes or nose.

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