Dry Skin

Dry skin is one of the three major types of skin. A person with dry skin experiences cracking of the skin, especially after washing. To prevent the skin from dehydration and cracking, a moisturizer is recommended. This type of skin is characterized by dull appearance on the cheeks and around the eyes. Generally, dry skin has minute spots at the curve of the mouth as well.

Dry skin is caused by various reasons like poor secretion of oil by the sebaceous glands. It is also believed to be caused by the genetic make up of the person. Deficiency of vitamin A and B in the diet causes dry skin. Exposure to extreme environmental conditions and chemicals may also cause dry skin. Certain diseases like eczema, psoriasis, or seborrhea certainly cause dryness as well.

A person with dry skin should not use tap water and commercial soap. Spraying with mineral water in the morning will help in taking care of dry skin. The pH balance of your skin should be kept at a neutral level to avoid dryness. Bathing with mild baby soap and the use of baby oil or home-made nourishing cream around the eyes is useful, too.

Apply a mixture of egg yolk, one teaspoon each of orange juice and olive oil with a few drops of rose water and lime juice in the morning before bathing. It helps keep your skin moist and fresh. A mixture of egg, honey and olive oil with a few drops of rose water in appropriate quantity may be used as a skin mask for dry skin.

You should apply a splash of water to moisturize your skin before going to bed. Keep your face and throat covered by a wash cloth soaked with warm water. After a few minutes, the excess moisturizer should be blotted off with a tissue.

Apply a natural moisturizer on your cheeks, throat, and around the eyes as a daytime moisturizer. If you have shaved, apply a moisturizer immediately after cleansing and apply once again after ten minutes.

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