Email Account

Getting Yourself an Email Account

So you want an email account? There are so many choices it is hard to know which one to choose. Firstly, you were probably given POP account by you Internet Service Provider. If this doesn’t suit you, you can “shop “around, depending on your wants and needs.

Whether you just want a free email account to send and receive emails, an account with a few extras like address books, calenders or you are looking to find an account that offers you free web space for your home page, a little searching and you will find something just right for you. offers several options for email accounts. They have a free basic account, ad sponsored 3 gigabytes of storage, with unlimited size file attachments. Then, for only a minimal fee per year you get exactly the same but with account preservation. Lycos mail plus offers 5 gigabytes, no ads, unlimited size file attachments, account preservations and Pop3 access for other email clients.

Yahoo GeoCities offers free email, along with completely free web space, sign up, then answer a few questions. and their page wizard will create a web page for you. There are great add-ons such as guest books, online presence, news headlines. For the small business you can have your own domain name for a pittance

Another popular one is, there is a choice here. You can have 1.5 GB of bandwidth, 50 MB disk space and a website builder for free, these are ad supported, but there are lots of free tools such as guest book, hit counter, email forms, photo albums. Then they have basic web hosting where you pay a fee but get extra disk space, 30 email accounts FREE domain name 30 sub domains and Website builder along with all the freebies. also have a more expensive hosting with lots of extras.  Don't forget to check out gmail, hotmail and the other big names.

Some offer more than website hosting, they offer a complete package. Website building, hosting, domain names etc. and are examples of this. They help increase traffic to your site, sell online, and accept credit card payments. If you are looking to allow online payments, Paypal is usually going to be your best bet.

Because of the ease of some of the site building programs even the raw beginner can have a site up and running in no time at all, AND have their email address on their new page. Naturally, there are facilities for the more advanced user to use their skills and knowledge to build their sites.

Deciding what you want and need is the hardest part of all, then searching for a provider that offers the best deal for you. Then happily send and receive emails and if you wish, build your own web page.

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