Email Virus

Could You Have an Email Virus?

The term email virus comes from the idea of an infection in your computer. Usually created by a person, known as a hacker, an email virus is planted on a server, which travels to other servers, much like a virus travels through the body, eventually slowing your computer down or shutting down your computer altogether. This can often create a problem because many people lose information on their computer that isn’t saved. It can be an even bigger problem if an email virus disrupts important data relating to the federal government computers. If you notice that your computer is moving slower than it should, you could have an email virus.

Different Types of Email Viruses

There are many different types of email viruses; no two are alike. Some viruses are created just to corrupt data, resulting in lost information that hasn’t been saved. These types of viruses aren’t necessarily harmful to the computer, but they can be a pain. Be sure that you have important documents saved on a backup disk to avoid losing data. Another type of email virus is one that tries to retrieve personal information about you. The hacker does this to get email passwords, bank account numbers or other important information in order to make a gain of profit in some way. There have even been reports of identity theft through email viruses.

What to Do If You Have an Email Virus

One way to know if you have an email virus is to see if you are getting pop up ads while you use the Internet. These are smaller windows that appear on your screen, usually with advertisements on them. They can be placed directly in front of the screen, blocking your view. Sometimes these get tricky when you try to close them—they can often lead you to another web page that you don’t want to view. The best way to combat email viruses is to install software that protects your computer from email viruses. These types of software are permanently installed in your computer, protecting you for as long as you own your computer. It’s best to look around for the right software for you. By going to an office supply store, you can view the various products available. Once you get the software and install it in your system, you will be able to run a full system check and repair any damage that might have been done.

How to Avoid Email Viruses in the Future

Once you have installed software that will protect you from email viruses, make sure you are alert for any updates about new viruses. Even if your computer protects you from one email virus, there are still chances of more surfacing. Usually, your anti-virus software will update you automatically, but it’s important to know that you have installed your software correctly and that you have reviewed its settings. You can also buy software separate from your regular virus protection software, which will run a scan on your computer to check for viruses. It’s important to have a backup protection plan in case your primary software misses anything. Also, be on the lookout for emails asking for personal information, as this could be part of an email virus.

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