
Part of the Fun is in the Looking!

It doesn't really matter what type of employment you're looking for, no matter if it's as a CEO, COO, CFO, management, executive, mid-level management or entry level position, most of the time you won't think of it as being fun.

But looking for a job or new employment can actually be enjoyable if you stop stressing over finding a job immediately or finding the perfect job. Instead of worrying over job interviews and what the job interviewers thinking about you, put yourself in a position of strength by using positive thinking! There are employers who need a great employee like you, don't you know!

So get your resume together. This is essential to getting any type of employment, from retail sales to senior executive positions. If you don't know the first thing about writing a resume, you can easily find a resume writing service to help you. You can also find templates for resumes online and in many books. Hiring a professional resume writer is always a good idea, though. They know the ins and outs of resume writing and know what human resources representatives are looking for.

Once you have your resume in order, you're ready to start your employment search. There are many job sites that allow you to post your resume online. You can send your resume to particular employers who are advertising for employees or you can post your resume so that it can be viewed by employment recruiters and human resources representatives in the employment category of your choice. Many sites will allow your resume to be viewed by recruiters for several categories at once.

It's usually better, though, when looking for employment to narrow down your job search to a few categories. A communications major, for example, may want to focus his employment search in the advertising and marketing categories, public relations categories and media categories. The person probably wouldn't want to waste his time posting his resume in the engineering category, after all!

Many job websites also have resume delivery services. For a fee, the site will send your resume to employment recruiters and human resources people that are looking for employees. This can be extremely helpful and make finding employment much easier. The drawback is some of these resume delivery services just do a broad resume blast, if you will, that doesn't really prove helpful in the end. So if you sign up for one of these services, be sure they are sending your resume to recruiters within your realm of expertise!

Once you've sent your resume out to potential employers, you don't have to sit passively waiting. You need to follow up on your resume within a week of sending it out. You also want to send it to as many employment recruiters and employment agencies as possible. Numbers matter here, because the more places you send your resume to, the more responses you'll get—which increases your chances of landing the job of your dreams.

And don't forget the employment classified ads in your local newspaper! Many of them, too, will allow you to send your application and resume online—most prefer it, in fact. So get busy looking for your job, but make it fun by playing the numbers and having a killer resume that shows any employer you choose that you're the absolute best person for the job!

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