Georgia Real Estate

Investing in Georgia Real Estate

Atlanta might have been burned down during the Civil War (as any viewer of Gone With the Wind can tell you), but in the last 140 years it's come back with a vengeance. Like much of its home state, Atlanta has shaken off its old Rebel image and become one of the most productive and prosperous cities in the Union. In fact, Georgia's among the most attractive states in the South. If you've got a few dollars set aside, you might want to consider investing in Georgia real estate. You might be patting yourself on the back before long.

Although "Hotlanta" is large indeed, there's more to the state than one city's urban sprawl. You've got plenty of other cities of various sizes, from Augusta and Savannah to Columbus and Valdosta, so no matter the type of Georgia real estate you're interested in, there's something that will fit your criteria. The quaint town of Cleveland is home to Babyland General Hospital, where those so-ugly-they're-cute Cabbage Patch Kids are "born" and adopted. Columbus, on the Alabama border, is home to Fort Benning, a U.S. Army Infantry outpost.

In the city, in the country

Given the size and nature of the state, Georgia real estate is remarkably varied. In the urban and suburban environments of Atlanta, Augusta, and Savannah, for example, you'll find plenty of industrial and commercial sites to keep you happy if that's your interest. Townhouses, high-rise apartments, individual homes, attached homes, and an abundance of other dwellings are available for your perusal as well.

Georgia still has plenty of rural areas, too. Let's say your idea of prime Georgia real estate is a ten-acre parcel with an old farmhouse and a pond. Given Georgia's generous stretches of backcountry, you shouldn't have any problem finding something like that. Or how about a ranch? There are plenty of top-dollar agricultural facilities available, from peanut farms to spreads a Texas cattle rancher might envy. Or would you care for a dairy farm, complete with cows? If you'd prefer not to get up at 5:00 AM every morning, how about a rural residence, or even a nice wooded lot where you can pitch a tent for the weekend? It's all right there waiting for you in the Peach State. Oh yeah, did we mention Georgia grows world class peaches and onions? You can't beat either one.

Your strategy

Assuming you don't already live in Georgia, the first thing you should ask yourself when you start planning to buy Georgia real estate is, "Do I have any friends or relatives there, or who come from there?" If you do, be sure to chat them up about the possibilities. Alternately, fire up the old Internet and do some research on your own; realty agents have long since learned that a good website brings in business from all over the country, and they often display images and information about specific properties. Once you've selected an agent, call them up and talk about options, prices, and al the specifics of the properties you're interested in. One bit of warning: never buy a piece of property sight-unseen. Although it might look good online, you never know when there's a hidden easement in the deed that allows your neighbors to drive right through your front yard.

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