Gift Occasions

Common Gift Occasions to Be Aware Of

There are common gift occasions in every culture and country. Gift occasions generally occur around ceremonies and birthdays. For example, a wedding or an engagement is an ideal time for gift giving, as is a yearly birthday. Each gift occasion may call for a different type of gift, so be sure that you know what types of gifts are common for the gift occasion that is nearest to you. Here are some shopping tips for purchasing gifts for the most common American gift occasions:


When it comes to gift occasions, birthdays roll around for everyone you know once a year. While you are not expected to get a birthday gift for everyone in your circle, it is a good idea to get gifts for some people that you are particularly close to, such as close friends and family. These birthday gifts should be thoughtful and personal - you should show that the gift is intended for the recipient and that you took their desires into consideration when you purchased it.

Wedding or Engagements

Weddings and engagements are huge milestones in a person's life that are special gift occasions. Hopefully, you will only have to purchase an engagement or wedding gift for your friends and family once. When you make this purchase, generally the gift has something to do with setting up the home. You may get a toaster or appliance. Or, you may ask the couple what they want. Most couples will have a wedding and engagement registry that lists the items that they wish to have for their new life together.

Mother or Father's Days

Mother's Day and Father's Day roll around once a year. These two days should be devoted to the parent and the gifts that you give should be specific to that parent. For example, you may get your father something that he can use or that represents your bond with him on Father' Day. The gifts should be similar to the gifts that you give these parents for their birthdays, but they should focus on the relationship as much as they focus on the individual.

For many people, gift occasions are a fun way to tell people that you love them by providing thoughtful and meaningful items. Gift occasions occur many times throughout the year and can grow to be expensive if you are not careful about your spending. Therefore, be sure to plan ahead for gift occasions. If you are giving something to a close friend, feel free to make it personal. Your friends and family will appreciate the thought and consideration that you put into the special gift occasion when you spend a little extra time planning.

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