Home Security

Safety Starts at Home

If you're like most people, you've worried about the quality of your home security. Are you one of those people who sometimes forgets to lock the dead bolt at night? How much would you pay to make sure you, your family, and your belongings were safe?

Home security doesn't have to be complicated. Yet, so many of us neglect the simple steps that could save us from loss, injury, or even death. Here are a few basic steps to keep you safe and help you improve your home security.

Make sure your home security includes adequate locks on both doors and windows. Most home improvement stores can show you how to install them. Once you have your new hardware, make sure you use it every night. It only takes a minute for a burglar to breech inadequate home security, and you make it easy if you don't bother to lock your doors!

Join a neighborhood watch. Your neighbors care about their home security as much as you care about yours. Statistics show that crime lowers when whole neighborhoods group together to prevent it. Another simple tip is to install a motion sensing light. That way your neighbors can see anything suspicious that may occur.

Cut down any high bushes near your house, since they can provide cover for burglars. Instead, as part of your new home security measures, consider planting short or spiky plants such as roses under your windows. Remember to keep them trimmed low.

Your home security plan should also include escape routes in case of a break in, fire, or other emergency. Make sure everyone in the house knows at least two ways to get out of every room. Designate a meeting place outside of your home, such as a neighbor's house or the fire hydrant just across the street.

After all this, can you still do more to improve your home security? You bet! Alarm systems and security cameras are available in many price ranges. It's worth your time to check them out. Your home security can always be improved, and good home security may even save your life.

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