
Whenever, we hear or say the word "hotel," a picture of temporary lodging, open living area, which is filled with lot of comfort and all the luxuries, comes to our mind. We can define "Hotel" in many ways.

Today, the whole scenario of hotel industry has been changed drastically in a positive sense as compared to the past position. Now, the requirements and expectations of a traveler are the top agenda of any hotel management chief. The customer is the real king today. Especially, the ever-increasing competition in the consumer market of hotel industry has made it more efficient and rewarding experience of staying in a standard hotel. The overall emphasis is upon the use of innovative technology to create alike a home for the customer to make him comfortable to the hilt.

The customer's aspiration has been altered dramatically. Earlier, staying in a hotel was considered a luxury, but nowadays it is a normal part of our daily life. That point of view really provides the required impetus to the boom of hotel industry.

Today, the customer does not use the hotel rooms just for staying for a night when they have nowhere else to go. They want to feel the royal experience of an excellent environment in addition to technology. They want the exotic touch in everything.

Current hotels are situated at beautifully locations and consist of astonishingly decorated bedrooms cottages, lively gardens, the public areas, the pool, beautiful palm tress or other attractive natural stuff, and a fascinating gym with enormous facilities.

Hotels are also given a certain rating such as three/four/five star hotels. The main criteria of providing them this rating are their sanitation and location. After that, its price, customer service and other relevant standard amenities comes into the consideration.

Therefore, the conclusion is that hotel is a place that of impermanent shelter, a hotel may specify the need for a new state of mind or a form that entails a brief shift away from home and common backdrop.

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