Job Applications

A Few Basics on Job Applications

A job application is proof of a job seeker’s intent to find employment with a certain company or employer. Most of the time, a potential employee can simply walk in and ask for a job application for a job they wish to have, however, there are certain jobs in higher-level areas that have a closed application process – a process that allows only certain pre-qualified potential employees to apply. These closed processes may also be by invitation only.

Personal Information

A job application requires that a potential employee lists many forms of personal information such as his or her address, social security number and even driving records. There are certain pieces of information, however that an employer may not ask for on a job application or during the interview process. A job application may not ask for an applicant’s ethnicity, religion or delve too deeply into an applicant’s personal background such as whether or not an applicant is gay or if they have children. In the event these types of information are requested, an applicant is not required to answer. However, there are exceptions such as for jobs that have a certain level of security clearance.

Chains and Locations

When sending in a job application for a job that is part of a regional or national chain, such as convenient stores, retail stores or other businesses, it is important that the job application specify where an applicant is willing to work from. For example, if an applicant applies at a local convenient store and the application is accepted for employment, that does not guarantee that the applicant will receive a job in the store where the application was submitted. Chain businesses will often place a new hire in the branch where an additional employee is needed the most. An applicant must be aware that they may potentially be sent else where before accepting a position with a company that has a chain branch in another area.


It is important that applicants are upfront and honest with the information they write on a job application. A job application is considered a legal statement and often requires that an applicant provide a signature to attest to the honesty of the statements.

Background Checks

Many job applications will ask an applicant to release information about any past criminal history, such as a conviction that the applicant may have. Often times a criminal history will not necessarily affect the applicant’s chances for obtaining a job, however depending on the type of job being applied for, it may cause the applicant to be rejected. Technically, for most positions, rejecting an applicant based on a criminal conviction is illegal; however this depends on the type of conviction. For example, a person with a sex offender conviction will most likely not be hired for a job working with children.


It is important that an applicant provide references that are verifiable and ones that reflect the best working relationships of the applicant. After listing references, an employer will contact each one to learn more about the applicant. It is important that all references be made aware that they have been listed on an application in the event a potential employee chooses to contact them.

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