Job Interview Questions

Acing the Job Interview

The first step to understanding what the job interview questions might be is in reading, and ferreting out key words in, the actual job description.

Job interviewers typically know “who” (if not the actual person, then at least the personality traits) they want to hire before the job interview questions are even asked. It is fairly easy to decipher what traits and characteristics an employer wants by carefully reading the job description exactly as it is written.

A potential employee can gain an advantage before entering a job interview – and before the first interview question is even asked – by tailoring the wording in his or her resume as closely as possible to match the wording in the written job description.

What Kinds of Questions Are Asked?

It is also helpful to know the general nature of questions that will be asked in each and every job interview, regardless of the specific job description. Because employers always want to know about potential employees’ problem solving skills, one should always approach a job interview prepared to answer at least one interview question along the lines of what a particular problem was that he or she solved and how the resolution was accomplished. Another common job interview question would involve asking for an example of one’s analytical skills and the recommendations that were made as the result of the analysis.

The smartest candidates always approach job interviews prepared to answer questions about their weaknesses as well as their strengths. One typical job interview question would be for the employer to ask the interviewee to give an example of when an analysis by that person proved to be incorrect, and what he or she would have done differently in hindsight. Most job interviews include questions about interpersonal skills, good and bad, asking candidates to evaluate their interpersonal skills from the perspective of superiors, peers, and subordinates.

Savvy candidates also enter job interviews with their own questions to present to their potential employers. Studying up on the business of a potential employer and its culture, and often even a knowledge of the buzzwords that are inherent to a specific corporate culture, are all key to an interviewee being able to ask the right – and smart – questions in a job interview.

Putting one’s best foot forward in a job interview can be rendered much less stressful than it might be if a potential interviewee takes the time to know and prepare for the tactics that are typically utilized and the questions that are typically asked in the course of most job interviews. A little knowledge can get the job done – and might very well get the job!

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