Kids Scrapbook

Creating a Fun Kids Scrapbook

For the parent in search of a great activity to do with your children, how about putting together a kids scrapbook. Kids love to gather memories and pictures just as much as adults do. When you work on a kids scrapbook with your children, you are able to work on a fun project with them as well as give them a precious item that they can cherish for years. You might just find that working on a great project like this may have been the perfect thing to help you connect with your children.

Chances are, if you have children, then you already have most of the supplies necessary to put together a kids scrapbook. Some of the best stuff to have around for this type of a project would be crafting scissors, glue, glitter, feathers, stickers, markers, colored pencils and so on. You can find a lot of these items in a photo safe form in just about any craft supply store and even many department stores today. Buying photo safe supplies will help you preserve the quality of your book over time by keeping things from fading out.

Does your child already have some type of a memory box or someplace where they have been stashing away items that are important to them? It is a good idea to have such a box where you can keep all of your scrapbook items until you are ready to stick them onto a page. You could even use a large manila envelope if you do not have any type of storage box handy.

When it comes to adding memories to the book, there is really no limit to the type of pages that you can build in a kids scrapbook. Did your child go to camp last summer? Maybe they saved the brochure or an itinerary from camp. You could even add in letters that they may have received from home. Add to that some of the great pictures they took during activities with the friends that they made at camp and you have some great pages.

Do not be afraid to add all kinds of colorful trinkets to your pages. If you have pictures of a soccer game on a sunny day, why not make a blue-sky background with a bright, shining sun. Add some stickers of soccer balls and some other accessories and you will be amazed at how much you can spruce things up. You are sure to have a wonderful time working together as a family on your kids scrapbook.

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