Kitchen Decorating

Spicy Kitchen Decorating

Kitchen decorating, as with any decorating job, can be a daunting task for many, as if involves re-doing a space that is used on a daily basis. Kitchen decorating can make your space more pleasing to look at as well as more functional to work within. Therefore, redecorating your kitchen must involve a plan so that you can efficiently tackle the task. Knowing what to do and how to do it before beginning to decorate will cut down on wasted time and will allow the project to be dome with more efficiency. This will also help the decorator not to get side tracked during the project.

See it First

One method that professional decorators use it to make a sketch or drawing of the space before beginning the project or even purchasing any items to be used for the purpose of kitchen decorating. For those who are tackling the project themselves, without any additional or professional help, this would be a good step to take.

The drawings don’t have to be perfect; however it’s important that they display the correct colors that the kitchen decorating project will be using. Also important are measurements. Even though a drawing or rough sketch does not have to be perfectly to scale, its good to know the measurements of larger kitchen items such as appliances and the kitchen table, shelving and cabinets. In the picture, write the measurement, in inches, of the width, depth and height of each large item. This will help in the event that the decorator chooses to move these to another part of the kitchen and can cut down on wasting time when discovering that something may not fit in another area.


As with any decorating job, the color scheme of the space is important. Colors speak volumes about the person or people who inhabit a space and can also influence how the room feels to those visiting in it. Colors also affect the mood and the overall atmosphere of an environment. For example, darker colors tend to make a space feel smaller while lighter ones tend to make a room feel more spacious.

Most people avoid darker colors, especially in a kitchen area because they feel it makes the room less friendly or that it makes it seem as if the walls are closing in. This is a danger of using very dark colors on walls; however dark colors can be used as accents on walls. For example, paining just one wall a darker, more saturated color, such as red or a deep orange can compliment lights colors on the other walls and give the room a sense of vibrancy.

Before committing to using any colors on the walls when thinking about a kitchen decorating project, pick up paint samples form a local home improvements store. Mix and match them, tape them to the walls and next to appliances to see if they will coordinate. Also, to be even more exacting, purchase a very small can of the paint color being considered and try it out. This is a very helpful step because paint will often look very different on the actual walls than it does on a paint sample or even in the can.

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