Kitchen Remodeling

Kitchen Remodeling Ideas to Get You Cookin'

Kitchen remodeling can be a dream come true for cooks in any household. This can range from simple flooring replacements, to elaborate kitchen remodeling jobs. There are five main areas of note when kitchen remodeling: cabinets, counter tops, flooring, appliances, and sinks.

One of the first things one will notice after a kitchen remodeling job is the cabinets. Not only are they the most noticeable feature in a kitchen, typically they are the most expensive. They make up about 60-70% of the cost of a kitchen remodeling job. You can choose solid wood or wood veneer finishes. One thing to keep in mind is that solid woods are more durable then the veneer cabinets. Veneers tend to chip in high traffic areas.

Another important feature in kitchen remodeling is the counter tops. There are many options available for counter top materials. You can choose from inexpensive laminate to expensive granite or marble counter tops when kitchen remodeling. When choosing counter tops, make sure it fits the style of the room. Marble counter tops may look out of place with rustic wooden floors.

Speaking of flooring, it is another important component in kitchen remodeling. Similar to counter tops, there are several different materials available for use, such as vinyl, wood laminate, or ceramic tile. Perhaps the most popular floor material is vinyl. Vinyl ranges from $3-$8 per square foot. It is inexpensive, durable, and comes in many colors. Usually when kitchen remodeling, vinyl is a clear winner because it can transform to fit the style of any room.

Probably the most exciting part of kitchen remodeling is the choice of appliances. When choosing refrigerators, ranges, and microwaves, there are several different price levels for each. Getting a top of the line range does not mean you need to get a top of the line refrigerator. If you are an exceptional baker, get a high-end stove with many options, but stick to the basics when purchasing a refrigerator. This part of kitchen remodeling does not have to break the bank. Usually when you pay extra for kitchen appliances, you are paying for unneeded additional features.

The final kitchen remodeling component is sink selection. Like everything else, there are several options to choose from. There are different colored sinks with different durability levels. Choose the sink that will work for your household. For example, if you use large pans, get a sink with a large basin. If you live in a city with poor drinking water, purchase a sink with a built-in purifier. The options are endless.

Kitchen remodeling can be a lot of work with all the choice that need to be made. Once finished, that hard work transforms into a dream come true for any homeowner.

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