Language School

The Prestige of a Language School

Language is such a useful tool. Not only does it let you communicate with people in your own town or country, but it gives you the freedom to travel the world and really understand what is going on. Simple things like ordering lunch or saying thank you do a lot to strengthen diplomacy between nations, and locals will usually appreciate the fact that you have gone through the trouble of learning their language before traveling in their country.

A language school can go a long way in building the basic skills of language acquisition, and students of these schools very often graduate taking their communication skills for granted. A student many enter the work force with an understanding of French, German, Italian and Spanish without having felt any more pressure than a student in a non-specialist school. Not only that, but they get to bask in the prestige that comes of graduating from a language school. Opportunities are plentiful for these graduates.

Employment Opportunities

Language specialists will always have a wide range of employment available to them: as translators in law or business, bilingual editors, copywriters, researchers or teachers. Aside from these advantages, the graduate of a language school will also be able to consider many wonderful destinations when on holiday or relocating. In Canada, the bilingual speaker has free reign of the entire country, without the restrictions that can come of moving to mono-lingual communities. In many European countries, multi-lingualism is less an advantage and more of a necessity as there are several countries that employ an official multi-lingual status and maintain various regions of different languages within their borders. In Spain there are several official dialects and many unofficial ones, and to be well versed in more than one is crucial for communication and travel within the country.

Kinds of Classes

In North America, there are few official languages, and yet hundreds of the unofficial sort are scattered about the land with sometimes surprising density. Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, Russian, German, Inuit and Cree are but a few. Depending on the language school you choose to enroll in, you will find a different mix of available classes. Some of the most interesting language classes are those that teach a minority language such as those of the Native Americans. Linguist Benjamin Whorf studied these languages extensively and based his most controversial theory on comparisons between them and European languages. Whorf determined that a language actually had a lot to do with the thought processes of speakers of different dialects and language families, a theory that is still being boldly discussed in language schools throughout the Western world.

Language schools are a fantastic option for learning, and give graduates opportunities for understanding the world on a communicational basis, which many other courses will miss out. The student who masters French, German and Spanish will find life to be quite exciting, if only he or she knows how to apply the knowledge.

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