Mississippi Real Estate

Let's Take a Look at Mississippi Real Estate

If you're interested in living in a quiet state far from the rat race, be sure to take a close look at Mississippi. From the understated urban sophistication of Jackson to the quiet rural grandeur of Le Flore County, it's a thoroughly modern piece of the New South, while retaining a substantial chunk of its old Southern charm. The people are friendly, there are plenty of great places to enjoy yourself outdoors, and you still have several urban enclaves to partake of whenever the mood strikes.

Jackson, the state capitol, is one such urban stronghold, and possibly the state's largest. Biloxi and Gulfport may be a bit more sophisticated, however, given their ranks as centers of Gulf Coast gaming; if you want fine restaurants, elegant hotels, and floating casinos, they're the place to go. You'll find matching properties for sell there too, including houses of all sizes, commercial sites, and industrial locations ideal for the development of a new business.

Go, Mississippi

There's no escaping the fact that Mississippi is primarily a rural state, with few areas (except for the 90-mile Gulf Coast and the inland cities) where the population density exceeds 5,000 people per square mile. That being the case, you'll find scads of rural properties available for the perceptive buyer: every manner of farm, ranchland, forested acreage, ponds and lakes, riverfront property, rural residences, cabins, hunting reserves -- you name it. Generally, Mississippi real estate is less expensive that the equivalents in other areas of the country, but you'll find that the land is rich and well watered, perfect for agricultural pursuits.

Things change somewhat as you head south toward the casino cities and Jackson. Unsurprisingly, you're expected to pay more of a premium for urban or suburban Mississippi real estate. In most cases, however, it won't approach the costs of similar properties in other states. If there's one thing that can be said about Mississippi real estate in general, it's that it's a heckuva deal.

Carving out your niche

In these days of online everything, you might expect that Mississippi real estate would have as solid an online presence as everything else -- and indeed it does. Not only can you access compendia of Mississippi real estate law (under the aegis of the Mississippi Real Estate Commission, of course), but real estate brokers from top to bottom of the state have staked their claim on the Web's virtual turf. Aside from friends and family who know the region, they're your first points of contact for learning more about the intricacies of the real estate game in the Magnolia State. Play your cards right, and you can soon be a Mississippi property owner, with everything that entails. Just be sure you play those cards carefully, and never stake any money on any property you haven't examined in person.

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