Montana Real Estate

Staking a Claim in the Big Sky Country

Ah, Montana - land of grandeur and freedom, the so-called Last Best Place in America. The Treasure State, also widely known as the "Big Sky Country," was a favorite haunt of the Lakota Indians, the people we commonly call Sioux, and some Montana places were sacred to them. Visit once, and you'll understand; you might even be tempted to buy some Montana real estate, and we'd be happy to help you with that decision.

One attractive factor, for some, is the fact that Montana has one of the smallest populations of any state in the USA, despite its large size. Average population density as of Y2K was just 6.19 people per square mile, which puts it down near the bottom of the list at 48th. If you're a free spirit who prefers secluded glory to crowded convenience, Montana real estate ought to be right up your alley.

But then again...

This is not to say that Montana lacks urban regions. Billings, set against the solemn backdrop of Sacrifice Cliff, is a fully modern city, with all the amenities pertaining to such. Bozeman, Butte, and Helena (the state capitol) also offer copious opportunities for urban enrichment, with property types ranging from apartments, condos, and houses of all sizes and kinds through your standard urban commercial and industrial sites.

Be that as it may, Montana real estate tends toward the rural. Montana is, in fact, the archetypical ranching state; although it does possess wooded areas, much of the state is taken up by wide plains and rolling hills suitable for agricultural pursuits, and the land is both plentiful and fruitful. If you'd prefer a mountain hideaway or a quiet cabin on a distant lake full of trout, Montana can oblige you there, too. Some of the tallest mountains in the world, such as the Bitterroots, raise their crests to the Montana sky. There are scores of quiet small towns and suburban cities to lose yourself in, along with all manner of Montana real estate, from lake lots and river lodges to small farms and rural residences.

Starting a new life

If you've found us on the 'Net, we're assuming you're a stranger to Montana -- but you don't want to be. Maybe you're a ranger about to be transferred to Glacier National Park, or you just visited Yellowstone and want to buy a cabin nearby for your vacations, or your company has decided to move you to Billings. In any case, you've got a hankering for some fine Montana real estate. We'll assume that you've already spoken to any of your friends or family who are already familiar with the area, so your next action should be to start looking up Montana real estate agents who handle properties in the area you're interested in. Any agent who's interested in reaching a wide audience will certainly have their own website, so hunt up a few and take a look at their listings. Ideally, they'll have all the vital stats on each property right there in black and white, along with some color pictures so you can get an idea of how everything looks. Once you've made some contacts and expressed interest, your next task will be to book yourself a flight to the Big Sky Country, because of course you're too smart to buy a pig in a poke. You'll need to see the property before you put any money down on it. Godspeed, and good luck!

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