New DVD Releases

Information About New DVD Releases


Looking for the best films of the Summer or the golden films of your childhood? There are two places to get obtain the films, you should always check both before you buy. First of all you should poke around on the internet for release dates, good sources are VideoETA, where you will find actual release dates as well as announced ones.

Release Times

You should also be prepared to wait some time for some releases. For example you could buy Lord of The Rings shortly after the theater release but you had to wait quite a bit for the extended releases which are way better. Try and find information on upcoming releases and the studios' plans. Many stores like Walmart also have discounts on older films so if you don't own the Matrix yet, you could find a real good deal out there.


The next step is to take a look at some shops carrying the film in question. Here is where you have two options. You can either take a look online or in a shop in your local mall. I find that local malls may have a better discount on short term, but have a much better discount on the long term. My favorite places for buying DVD's are and I like these online stores because they carry huge amounts of these films and have great variety, so you can be sure they are always in stock and have proven themselves before, so no risk included. Alternatively you could try using Froogle which is Google's online product searching tool. With this it is possible to compare prices across the web, but the tool can be inexact so follow up on your leads.

Just recently Disney has provided some of its movie database to be downloaded through itunes. This is a big leap forward in online video downloads. This way you can get the films a bit cheaper and way more conveniently. You can download the films from $9.99 - $14.99 and you should probably be on the lookout for other bigger studios following Disney's lead.


Going to real stores has two benefits. There is almost no risk included because what you see is what you get, usually if there aren't any signs of damage on the packaging, the disc is fine. For me it is also a benefit that I can hold and feel and see what I am about to buy. I know it's not really important these days, but still, it gives an added value for some people. Buying at a store may also give you better customer service, taking a film back to the counter where a real person greets you is much easier for most people.

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