New Hampshire Real Estate

The Skinny on New Hampshire Real Estate

Though it's one of the smaller states in the Union, New Hampshire offers some of the most rugged real estate in the country, complete with ancient mountains, raging rivers, and massive lakes. A winter sportsman's paradise, it also offers the most wooded area for its size than any state except Maine, as well as a tiny seacoast complete with nine offshore islands, one of which (and we're not saying which) is alleged to hold one of the pirate Blackbeard's lost treasures. If you're very lucky, maybe that's one piece of New Hampshire real estate you can eventually claim as your own!

Buried treasure or not, you'll find a rich trove of fine properties in New Hampshire real estate. This state has been a part of the Euro-American experience for just over 400 years, having been explored by Europeans from 1600-1605. Settlers were settling as early as 1623, so there are historic properties in New Hampshire that most of us would consider ancient. While it was mostly sheltered from the Civil War in the 1860s, New Hampshire real estate saw action aplenty during the Revolutionary War some four score and seven years or so before.

Not exactly urban sprawl

Although New Hampshire is densely populated, there are few large urban centers. Manchester, a former mill town, is New Hampshire's largest city (and the largest of the many Manchesters in the USA), with a population of 110,000. It may not burn as brightly as NYC or Boston, but it's also the largest city in northern New England; it's thoroughly modern, and offers sufficient urban and suburban real estate to charm significant commercial interests and their workers alike.

One of the virtues of owning New Hampshire real estate is the fact that New Hampshire is one of the few states without a personal income tax. Due to its proximity to Boston, that means that you can live in the countryside in New Hampshire while commuting to neighboring Massachusetts to work. This has made rural and semi-rural New Hampshire real estate very popular with folks in adjoining states. It's a great place to ice fish too -- that and other winter sports draw people in to both visit and live. Whether you want your own split-level ranch house or just a few acres on a lake for ice-fishing privileges, New Hampshire's got some great real estate to invest in.

Getting a foothold in the Granite State

Whether you've got a hankering to be a regular winter visitor or a full-time resident of the Granite State, your initial goal should be to contact some New Hampshire real estate dealers and start learning more about the kinds of properties you're interested in. Fortunately, this is as easy as firing up Google and typing "New Hampshire real estate" into the blank. You'll find scores of real estate agents ready and willing to help you with your property hunting needs.

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