Pickup Trucks

Herald the Power of Pickup Trucks

Pickup trucks are a hallmark of American roads, backwoods, and highways. Its aura is that of toughness and prominence alongside other lesser standard four-door and mini coupes on the scene. Shown frequently in classic movies alongside cowboys riding through, the pickup truck has a heavy sense of symbolism. Let’s discuss the pickup trucks, its characteristics, and its use in society.

To start, pickup trucks usually contain one cabin with a passenger side and a driver’s seat. Its cargo area can be designed as either a flat bed that ranges in different sizes. Pickup trucks have varying styles and significance around the world. In the United States, pickup trucks may be full size with gas guzzling six or eight cylinder engines, while others run on 4 cylinders and are smaller in size. A regular full size pickup truck has the capacity to hold up to 1 ton on its backside, with “plus size” pickup trucks carrying up to 5 times as much. During the sale, pickup trucks are classified according to their weight, which also represent the cargo capacity it can hold. According to the latest statistics, five pickup trucks in the US are classified as full-size and they are the popular Chevrolet Silverado series, the Dodge Ram, the Toyota Tundra, the Ford F-Series, and the Nissan Titan.

Pickup trucks also come mid-sized as well. They’ve become popular in suiting the regular household with its moderately lower gas consumption than full sizes and its cabin size. Major progress was made in the mid-size department with the introduction of the Dodge Dakota series in 1987, selling well with its 6 cylinder engine which was an upgrade over previous compact trucks with less powerful engines. In addition, the Dodge Dakota revolutionized the pickup truck industry because it was the first mid-sized car to accommodate a standard piece of 4x8 plywood vertically along its flat bed, a fear past cars were not able to do.

Pickup trucks continue to remain an entity around the world. In Thailand, close to 60% of all cars sold are pickup trucks alone! They are exclusively used to be converted into small minibuses which transport passengers along with cargo across cities and towns. In addition, Thailand is a huge exporter of pickup trucks. In various parts of Europe, pickup trucks are a mainstay in rural areas like the Arcos de la Frontera region in Cadiz, Spain. Currently, Portugal has the largest pickup market in Western Europe where pickup trucks are the off-road vehicle of choice for its population.

Look to commandeering a V8 pickup truck today and feel the prestige American folklore has given to one of its most chronicled vehicles.

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