Pregnancy Nutrition

Important Information About Pregnancy Nutrition

The value of remaining healthy during pregnancy

For any woman facing pregnancy remaining in a healthy condition while showing the same care for the child is of the utmost importance. Studies have shown that foods ingested during pregnancy can have a profound effect on the growth and development of any infant. It is important for women to recognize that adhering to a regimen of healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables and certain types of meat can help lend nutrients to their baby while keeping fit themselves. Equally as important is knowing what types of food to avoid as empty calories or an excess of fat can turn the difference from a healthy baby into a malnourished (or overweight) infant.

Foods that can guarantee healthy nutrition during pregnancy?

Maintaining a healthy diet during pregnancy goes beyond just picking the freshest fruits and vegetables at the grocery store. During pregnancy, protein is probably the most important nutrient gained as it helps build muscle tissue. Lean meat, poultry, eggs and nuts are all excellent sources of protein. Several servings of fruits and vegetables, milk products and whole grain cereal per day are also considered valuable steps to maintain good health during pregnancy. Also as important are understanding what key foods to avoid. It’s important to stay away from frozen foods and excess consumption of soda as those kinds or products only elevate excess amounts of salt, fat and empty calories in the human body.

Why weight can matter

On average, a pregnant woman of normal weight should expect to gain an extra 25-35 pounds throughout her pregnancy. Also during this time a women’s body becomes more flexible and efficient in absorbing nutrients in order to deliver to the growing fetus. However, it is important to monitor weight by carefully making smart food decisions and also by making regular checkups to a primary care doctor. Recent studies have shown that women who gain too much weight during their pregnancy may be affecting their child’s metabolism for years to come. This can also increase the risk of high blood pressure and obesity. On the other hand, eating too little may cause a woman to lose a great amount of nutrients to her child stored in her bones and tissues causing sudden weakness.

Pregnancy Nutrition Myths

A widely regarded assumption during a women’s pregnancy is that she is now ‘eating for two’, hence doubling the usual single size serving meal. Though unexpected cravings may play a part in increased food consumption it is commonly agreed upon that it is only necessary for pregnant women to consume an extra 200-300 calories per day. Conversely, eating less does not necessarily mean that the baby will simply take extra fat that a woman has stored in her body. What matters most is how much protein is being consumed, since tissues help form muscles in the body. Eating less may cause a women’s body to break down certain tissues in order supply the baby with protein, sometimes creating disastrous side effects for the mother. As a result it is important to closely regulate what kinds of food will help the infant develop properly.

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