Sell My Car

Dude, How Should I Sell My Car?

At some point in your life, you'll probably think to yourself, "Isn't it about time to sell my car?" There are few among us who keep the same car for more than ten years, if only because we get tired of the same color, or the new's irreparably worn off, or the performance just isn't what we've hoped for -- or whatever. A lot of us tell ourselves, "Let me get it paid off first, and then I'll sell my car." That's always a sound decision, and it basically lets you have something new every five years or so.

Whatever brings you to Sell My Car Land, the fact is that there's never been a better time in the history of the human race to be there. In addition to the old standbys of heading to the dealership or putting an advertisement in the local newspapers, there are scores of specialized auto trader magazines specific to most regions of the country, and of course the Internet has revolutionized used car sales as much as it has other aspects of American life.

So I can sell my car on the Internet?

But of course. At the most obvious extreme is EBay Motors, where you can sell your car at auction. On any given day, there are thousands of cars up for bid for as little as 99 cents (no, really). If you want to go a more traditional route, however, there are also scores of "Sell My Car" websites, where you can post ads offering your car for sale. Generally, they require you to sign in, then provide some text and a picture or two -- not too different from what you'd do for a newspaper or auto trader ad. Some sites let you post your ads free of charge, since they make money on their banner ads, but some will charge you a bit. Others might even handle everything for you, charging a cut of the proceeds when your car sells.

Quick and easy

No matter the method you use to sell your car, you'll have to expect a parade of potential buyers calling and coming to visit -- unless, of course, your car is basically a "niche" purchase, or you've priced it too high. There aren't that many people eager to purchase a '54 Nash Rambler with weeds growing out of it, even if you're willing to give it to them for scrap cost. Similarly, if you've got your '77 Olds 88 priced at $30,000, you're unlikely to get many takers -- though no matter what you're selling, people will always feel free to offer you less than what you're asking.

If selling your car doesn't turn out to be a fairly quick and easy process, you've obviously done something wrong. It could even be possible that you're subconsciously sabotaging yourself. If that old car's still sitting in your driveway a month after your ad goes up, ask yourself: "Do I really want to sell my car, or am I just going through the motions?" If you really do want to sell, do something: lower the price, fix up the car, or do whatever's necessary to sell it. Otherwise, it's best to pull it off the market and bide your time, until you've really and truly had enough of it.

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