Sleepover Scrapbook

Fun Sleepover Scrapbook Activity

Chances are, by the time your little girl hits a certain age, she is going to ask if she can have a sleepover at the house with several of her friends. When she does want to have one, you may want to think of some fun projects or activities that the girls can do to make a memorable evening out of it. After all, you can only watch just so many movies and eat just so much popcorn before it becomes a bit boring. A terrific idea would be getting out some fun supplies and making a great sleepover scrapbook to commemorate the evening. A sleepover scrapbook will not only be a fun group activity, but it is also a unique way for each girl to remember the evening they shared together as friends.

Depending on the number of girls that have responded that they will attend the sleepover, you are going to have to buy a certain amount of scrapbooking supplies. You may already have several craft items around the house that you may use as well. Great supplies include markers, stickers, glitter, glue sticks, different colors and printed papers and the like. Magazines, especially those geared toward young girls are perfect for grabbing clip art. You can even use other items around the house such as old clothing for strips of material, ribbons, lace, buttons and more.

When you go out to find the actual scrapbooks to use, there are several options for you depending on the amount of money that you are looking to spend. You could buy small scrapbooks, some come in 7" x 7" sizes with six pages inside. Or, you could also buy small photo albums that have the page inserts instead of picture pockets. If you are feeling a bit more on the creative side, you can buy a bunch of acid free paper, and get out your hole punch and construction paper and make scrapbooks together. You can use yarn or ribbon to bind it all together.

Another fun idea for getting started on a sleepover scrapbook is to enlist the aid of a Polaroid or iZone camera. This way, you can take pictures as they are happening that evening and they are ready to go for the book. The girls can also take turns snapping pictures while they are creating the scrapbooks. There are tons of possibilities once you get started on this fun project. Get your imagination in gear, add some stickers and glamorous glitter and you have an awesome sleepover scrapbook activity that everyone is sure to love!

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