South Dakota Real Estate

Wide Open South Dakota Real Estate

As a northern Plains state, one thing South Dakota doesn't have is an excess of population. The entire state hosts barely three-quarters of a million people, spread out over 77,163 square miles. What this means for you is that there's lots of South Dakota real estate up for grabs, plenty of which is bare of human beings -- perfect if your idea of heaven is seclusion.

If it isn't, that doesn't mean you're out of luck when it comes to South Dakota real estate. The largest cities, Sioux Falls and Rapid City, are as modern and urban as Dallas or Chicago, and offer the businessman plenty of commercial and industrial properties to choose from. Since entrepreneurial ventures need workers, you'll also find the usual variety of urban housing available: townhouses, apartments, single-family homes, condos, and the like. If fully urban doesn't appeal to you but you enjoy the amenities a city can provide, the suburban bedroom communities surrounding the cities are an ideal place to stake a claim and bring up a family.

Sacred and awesome

Before the westward expansion of the United States, most South Dakota real estate was in the hands of the various Lakota and Dakota bands, the Native Americans we collectively call the Sioux. Most sacred to them was the Paha Sapa or Black Hills, where gold was found in 1874. Early the next century a particularly rocky piece of South Dakota real estate, Mt. Rushmore, was chosen as the site for a memorial to American presidents; it remains South Dakota's best-known tourist attraction.

Aside from the mountains of the Black Hills, the Mount Rushmore State consists mostly of rolling plains, bisected by the Missouri River. This means a lot of open, grassy expanses of real estate ideal for agricultural pursuits, and in fact South Dakota is one of the nation's top ranching states. Plenty of small farms, ranches, and rural residences await the savvy investor or serious homesteader.

Getting started

South Dakota real estate has many great things to recommend it. For one thing, South Dakota is one of the most lenient states in the nation when it comes to taxes: not only does it not levy personal or corporate income taxes, there or no inheritance taxes either, and the state sales tax is a miniscule 4 percent. And here's the kicker: many areas of the state have been hit hard by falling populations, as people move out of state and to Sioux Falls and the Black Hills area. In recent years, there have been calls for tax breaks and even free land for people willing to relocate. While they may never actually come to pass, you can be sure that South Dakota real estate can be had for very reasonable prices, because South Dakotans are happy to see new neighbors move into the state.

Should you choose to buy some South Dakota real estate (and now's a great time for it), you should start by doing your homework. Talk to people you know who are familiar with the state, then research South Dakota real estate brokers in earnest. You're using one of the world's greatest research tools, the Internet, right this minute. Turn its shining light on real estate in South Dakota, and you'll soon find dozens of people willing to help you make your South Dakota dreams come true.

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