Spaying or Nuetering a Pet

Time to Make the Cut? Tips and Advice About Spaying or Neutering

If you are thinking about spaying or neutering your pet, there are some things to keep in mind. For example, you should know that spaying your neutering should happen early in a pets' life in order to keep the pain to the animal at bay. Try to spay or neuter your pet before it is one year old. Also, there are some treatments that should follow spaying or neutering that are designed to keep your animal healthy and happy - even though the procedure can make him or her uncomfortable. Here are some tips to help you with your spaying or neutering procedure.

Do it Young

Spaying or neutering involved removing critical reproductive organs from the animals' body. Because this procedure can be painful with age, it is recommended that you perform it when the animal is young. Spaying or neutering when the animal is young also decreases the chances that your pet will have babies. Make sure that your animal is old enough for the procedure - do not spay or neuter in the first few weeks of life. Instead, wait until the organs have developed.

How It is Done

Spaying or neutering involves removing a female animal's inner reproductive organs and a male animals out reproductive organs. When the organs are removed, the animal no longer has the ability to procreate. Spaying and neutering should always be done in a veterinarian's office and should never be attempted at home. The animal will likely need localized anesthesia and other medications to control the pain during and after the procedure. A follow-up treatment is also recommended to assure that the animal did not get an infection.

What to Expect Afterwards

After a spaying or neutering procedure, you can expect your animal to be very tired due to the pain medication. He or she will also not want to be touched, as its underbelly will be very sensitive. It is natural for your pet to be reclusive right after the surgery, so do not worry if you cannot find your animal right away. Instead, be as loving as possible and offer lots of treats.

Spaying and neutering is a very difficult time for your pet. Be sure to find a vet that is qualified in spaying and neutering procedures (just about all vets are.) After the treatment, don't be alarmed if your pet acts differently. Be as tender and affectionate as possible. Spaying and neutering will ensure that your pet cannot procreate and will decrease its level of activity if he or she was rambunctious during the time of heat.

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