Tax Software

Tax Software Makes it Easy

There are many tax software options available that simplify the task of calculating and filing your income taxes. These are some of the most popular tax software packages.


TaxAct offers free online forms to prepare and print your tax return. All of the most common forms and schedules are included in their service. You can choose to print and mail your completed form, or use efile for $7.95 and get a faster tax return. When using TaxAct, you don't need to do any computations. You complete their interview process and it automatically completes the correct forms and performs the calculations for you. It includes an alert system that flags common problem spots to help you file an error free return. They also offer tax software versions for all state taxes for $12.95.


H&R Block produces TaxCut, so it has a reputable name behind it. An attractive feature of this software option is called Signature Software. Using this program, you complete your taxes using TaxCut, and then a tax professional will review and sign your return, correcting any errors they find. TaxCut versions start at $14.95, but there are multiple versions with increasingly complex features. The most advanced version is $69.95 and allows you to file business taxes, as well as complete 1099-MISC forms and other business related documents. TaxCut offers an electronic refund advance loan and imports data from many financial software applications.


TurboTax is one of the oldest companies offering tax software. Like most other software choices, you simply walk through an interview and answer questions. The software then applies your answer to the correct places and fills in the required forms, makes the calculations, and tells you what you owe or what your refund will be. The Basic version of the online product is $19.95 and the Premier version is $39.95. With each of these options, you pay an additional fee to efile your completed tax return. You can also choose to install tax preparation software on your own computer and efile or print and mail your return. There are several versions in this category, depending on how complex your return is. State versions are also available.

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