Vermont Real Estate

Buying Real Estate in Vermont

Two words to characterize Vermont would be “nature haven.” Vermont, for Vermont real estate seekers, is one of the most scenic states in the nation. It has become popular for cozy, quaint living offering plenty of outdoor activities. Because of its topography and varying climate, consisting of mountain peaks in cold winters and hot summers, Vermont real estate candidates can enjoy both skiing and golf along its rolling hills. Skiing comes at a premium, especially on the East Coast. Vermont’s mountain ranges are one of the many reasons why sports enthusiasts should consider searching for Vermont real estate from the get-go.

Vermont’s proximity to Canada is an added plus for the Vermont real estate seeker. Before heading in Canada, Vermont real estate candidates can enjoy valleys, ski resorts, and houses separated a mile from one another – making for peaceful living. Forests make up its dazzling backdrop, a haven for people who need few neighbors and a more concentrated style of living. Vermont is famous for its remote areas, offering a different pace of lifestyle for anyone looking to purchase some real estate there. With Vermont being close to other New England states and Canada, taking out real estate there is like taking out real estate in other places as well. Although Vermont is more known for its winter activities and few beaches, its neighbors will be more than happy to make up for it.

If you’re considering buying Vermont real estate, check out the city of Burlington. Smack in the middle of Lake Champlain, Burlington is the largest city in the state with a small population of 50,000 residents. Because of its proximity to Montreal, Canada, it has a Canadian influence. It is also home to the University of Vermont, which turns it into a small college town. Burlington is a beautiful mix of public parks and plenty of housing to choose from.

Another Vermont real estate haven is Stowe, a small town. Its downtown area is purely historic, and its proximity to one of the largest ski resorts in the country makes real estate over there become worthwhile with condos all over the place. Right now, Vermont real estate prices are affordable. A Burlington small family home will cost you around $350,000. This is an excellent deal, considering that the appreciate rates for Vermont real estate is very high at 15 percent. This rate is significantly higher than those found in the Midwestern states and on par with East Coast states.

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