Weight Loss Pills

Pop Weight Loss Pills to Drop the Weight

Weight loss products are a billion dollar industry. Each year Americans alone spend money on the promises of weight loss programs, products and pills in the hopes that they will have found the secret to quick, easy and painless weight loss. While there are those who are genuinely working to solve weight loss issues through the creation of legitimate weight loss pills, unfortunately, not only are the promises of many, if not all, of the currently available types of products fraudulent, but also can be harmful to the health.

Most weight loss pills are designed to suppress the appetite by blocking hunger signals from the brain but can also cause raised blood pressure, chest pain, hair loss, fever, depression, impotence and/or heart damage. Others will try to block the absorption of fat in the body but can lead to diarrhea, unexpected fecal discharge and oily stools. In some form or another, most weight loss pills carry the potential for the creation of health problems. 'Natural' weight loss pills are not considered to be any safer.

There are many different types of weight loss pills. Some weight loss pills can only be obtained with a prescription. Others are available over the counter in grocery and drug stores. The best advice when considering weight loss pills is to consult a physician first. This way, the authenticity of a weight loss pill can be examined and the health of the individual can be assessed to minimize the potential risk to the patient.


Over the counter weight loss pills and dietary supplements are not evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not required to have the same levels of disclosure about their ingredients of side effects of the pills they manufacture. Because they are not considered a medication, but rather a food supplement, the regulations are not as strict in regards to advertising, dosage recommendations or labeling.

Many manufacturers may leave out pertinent ingredients that could harm the health of an individual who may think that reading a label is enough protection against potentially devastation allergic reactions or medication interactions. Prescription weight loss pills are much more regulated and are administered under the care of a physician but should still be used with extreme caution. If there are alternative weight loss routes available, they should be considered before taking over the counter weight loss pills and supplements.


There are certain weight loss pills that are by prescription-only and have been evaluated by the FDA. They may have side-effects, but all the ingredients and potential side-effects are listed. These types of pills are only recommended for use with patients with very specific conditions and needs, usually those suffering from life-threatening weight issues, such as morbid obesity. In these cases, diet pills are not considered a cosmetic desire, but rather are to aid in the prevention of an untimely death. These prescription weight loss pills, just as with any weight loss pills, should never be used to replace meals and should always be combined with a healthy eating plan and exercise regimen.

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